4 Olives: The Best Secret for Sleep

By Agencia, Friday, January 17, 2025

Despite the common belief that olives are high in sodium, moderate consumption offers numerous health benefits. This fruit, which is the source of olive oil, is a true ally for well-being, as it helps reduce bad cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, fights breast cancer, and improves memory.

But did you know that they can also improve your sleep quality? Eating about 4 olives before bed may be the key to achieving a deep sleep, even if you don't suffer from insomnia. This is due to their content of tryptophan, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6—nutrients that regulate sleep patterns by promoting melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm.

In addition to being an excellent remedy for better sleep, olives have other amazing benefits, such as:

Fat burning: Thanks to their high adiponectin content.
Improved digestion.
Wrinkle reduction: Up to 20% due to oleic acid and vitamin E.
Memory stimulation: Improved by up to 25%.
Consume them regularly to take advantage of their antioxidant power and keep your heart, brain, and skin healthy. Olives— a natural and delicious remedy with multiple benefits!

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