This Could Be the Cause of Intense Menstrual Pain

This Could Be the Cause of Intense Menstrual Pain

HEALTH EDITION - Many women experience intense pain during their menstrual cycle, but in some cases, the pain persists and becomes debilitating, significantly impacting their quality of life. One of the most common causes of this discomfort is endometriosis, a condition that, while prevalent, remains poorly understood by many.

Dr. Lilliam Fondeur, a gynecology specialist, explains that endometriosis is a disease that causes chronic menstrual pain, which worsens over time. This pain not only affects daily life but also the emotional and social well-being of women who suffer from it. "The pain isn't something temporary, it doesn't go away next month. It’s constant, so severe that it can prevent women from attending work or school and even make sexual intercourse difficult," Dr. Fondeur explains.

Diagnosing endometriosis is complex and cannot be confirmed solely through imaging tests like ultrasounds. The most accurate way to diagnose it is through laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows doctors to directly observe the pelvis and take biopsy samples.

Endometriosis originates from an issue with menstrual flow, where part of the blood flows back into the pelvis instead of exiting the body, leading to chronic inflammation. In some cases, endometrial tissue can be found in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or even the intestines, causing increasing pain over time.

"If you experience debilitating menstrual pain, always consider endometriosis," warns Dr. Fondeur. Treatments vary based on the severity of the condition, from painkillers to hormonal therapies that suppress menstruation. In more severe cases, a hysterectomy may be an option, though it is considered a last resort.

Early diagnosis is crucial. “If you're young and experiencing intense pain, don’t ignore it. Early diagnosis is essential for proper treatment and avoiding major complications,” the specialist advises.

Endometriosis remains an underdiagnosed disease affecting millions of women. It is vital to raise awareness about the importance of seeking medical attention if persistent symptoms occur, ensuring effective treatment and improved quality of life.

Suggested image: A graphic showing a woman holding her abdomen in pain, with a subtle background illustrating the concept of endometriosis, such as a highlighted reproductive system or uterus.

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