Un famoso fisicoculturista quedó en coma por una sobredosis de esteroides

El famoso fisicoculturista estadounidense, Rich Piana se debate entre la vida y la muerte después de caer en un coma inducido, producto de una sobredosis de esteroides. Años atrás, el deportista había confesado su adicción a los anabólicos.

Su novia Chanel Jansen lo encontró inconsciente y con un golpe en la cabeza en el piso de su casa en Florida. Tras intentar socorrerlo, llamó a la policía, la que finalmente detalló que en el lugar había al menos 20 botellas del producto en cuestión.

El atleta de 46 años en una celebridad en las redes sociales, en las que muestra sus progresos corporales a sus fanáticos a través de imágenes. El ex "Mr. California", posee más de un millón de seguidores, que hoy, rezan por su salud.

Actualmente, el norteamericano permanece internado en un hospital de Florida y, por el momento, su pareja sólo aseguró que "Rich aun esta vivo". Era tal la obsesión por los músculos que un mes atrás Piana deseaba tener "los brazos gruesos como su cabeza".

I will not be posting any updates after this until further notice. I just want to be clear @1dayumay is STILL ALIVE. All myself and his family are asking for is POSITIVE thoughts, prayers, and love. PLEASE i'm BEGGING you all to have some respect and realize how EXTREMELY difficult this is for us. Thank you to all of you staying positive and sending well wishes, prayers, and love. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. #theloveofmylife #richpiana #love #staystrong #staypositive #myheart #positivevibes #positivevibesonly #thankful

A post shared by CHANEL (@c_no5) on Aug 11, 2017 at 9:44am PDT

"No voy a publicar ninguna actualización después de esto hasta nuevo aviso. Sólo quiero ser clara Rich Piana aun está VIVO. Todo lo que yo y su familia pedimos son pensamientos POSITIVOS, oraciones y amor. POR FAVOR les estoy pidiendo a todos que tengan un cierto respeto y se den cuenta de lo extremadamente difícil que esto es para nosotros.", sentenció la blonda en su cuenta de Instagram.

Monday Motivation- Shredded by the Day- Mission 240- Currently 266- Down from 286! #muscledismorphia #whateverittakes #welcometomyworld #loveitkillit #dailygoals #killinit #5percenters

A post shared by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on Aug 7, 2017 at 3:32am PDT

Here is a clip from a recent Arm training video on my Rich Piana YouTube Channel. Arm Day is always an Awesome Day! I can get lost in a arm workout and just keep going and going and going! No such thing as overtraining! Your either under eating or under sleeping!! #killthatshit #enjoythejourney #enjoythepain #cravethepain Bring on the Mother Fuckin Pain!! #fullasfuck #fullblown #armpump #heaven #lovethisshit #loveitkillit #whateverittakes #welcometomyworld #crazyworld #lovethislife #livinthedream Most people in the world don't understand this life- can't understand this life and wouldn't last 2 min in our world but for us this is the only world we know! We will literally destroy ourselves everyday to make us a little bit better- put our body's through hell and enjoy every sec of it!! Only we know how incredible this world is and most important #weareallinthistogether as a team like a big #family we are #5percenters and the other 95% of the world will never understand. Keep Killin Shit and never give up on your dreams!!

A post shared by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on Apr 26, 2017 at 10:46am PDT

I am so proud of @1dayumay and so thankful to be a part of his life and @5percentnutrition It means the world to me to spend our life together and put our heads together to create new ideas for the company. I never would've imagined having a career that I can use my creative side so much with someone so smart and driven. ð???? #thankful #myoneandonly #richpiana #driven #inspirational #happy #smile #travel #wanderlust #cancun #beach #curves #muscle #blonde #fit #whateverittakes #livinthedream #5percenters #weightsdontmakegirlshugecupcakesdo #positivevibes #positivevibesonly

A post shared by CHANEL (@c_no5) on Jun 30, 2017 at 10:27am PDT

There is an audio tape floating around of me saying some terrible Shit! It's from 10 years ago while seeing a girl named Amy who cheated with a black man and I lost my fucking mind. I want to give my deepest regrets for using those words at the time and apologize to everyone. I lost my mind over the situation and said shit I never meant! I have lost my mind many of times in my life and said a lot of fucked up things. That word NEVER comes out of my mouth and I am definitely not racist. We are all equals in this world and this is something I have ALWAYS put out there!! #weareallinthistogether like a big #family I posted a video on YouTube further explaining and apologizing. I am not proud of many mistakes I have made in my past and Our goal is to become better in every way possible every day!

A post shared by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on Jun 10, 2017 at 12:45pm PDT

A través de un video de Youtube, el famoso fisicoculturista, que pesa poco más de 140 kilos, reveló hace unos años su adicción a los esteroides, los cuales consume desde los 18 años y por los que gasta miles de dólares para adquirirlos.

"No hay razón para tomar esteroides, solo hieres tu cuerpo y a ti mismo. Pero si quieres convertirte en culturista profesional, ¿sabes qué?, vas a tener que tomarlos, no vas a tener elección", aseguró Rich Piana en 2016.

#soberlife #capitalgrille #highheels #funny with @c_no5

A post shared by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on Jul 7, 2017 at 8:06am PDT

Con 11 años comenzó a pasearse por el gimnasio hasta que a los 15 llegó a competir. La frustración de no poder conseguir los primeros puestos, lo llevó a tomar la decisión de empezar a consumir anabólicos.

Además de las nueve comidas diarias, el norteamericano bebe batidos de proteínas y suplementos para mantener su cuerpo.

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