Celine Dion se desnuda para Vogue

  • por CNN miércoles 5 julio 2017

(CNN) - Celine Dion es conocida por su afición a la alta costura, pero su último look está extremadamente despojado de prendas.

En una serie de fotos publicadas en la cuenta de Instagram de la revista Vogue aparece una imagen de la cantante, de 49 años, sin ropa.

Dion aparece desnuda, sentada en una silla, con los brazos cruzados sosteniendo una prenda blanca.

“Aquí hay un hecho un poco desnudo para reflexionar aunque Celine Dion se cambia la ropa entre espectáculos: durante los últimos cinco años ella ha vestido casi exclusivamente alta costura para sus presentaciones (en Las Vegas y en su reciente ‘minitour’ por Europa)”, se lee en la publicación.

“Ella actúa mínimo dos horas por noche, cinco o seis noches por semana, bailando y haciendo reverencias y gesticulando sin abandono, en exquisiteces hechas a mano y diseñadas únicamente para caminar por una pasarela o una alfombra (y normalmente con manejadores)”.

Here's a little naked fact to ponder while Celine Dion changes looks between shows: for the past five years she has worn haute couture near exclusively for her own performances (in Las Vegas and on her current "mini-tour" of Europe).

A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on Jul 3, 2017 at 10:25pm PDT

El largo texto explica que por instrucciones de la cantante, las casas de modas “envían equipos a Nevada” para hacer pruebas, antes de que las prendas sean terminadas en el atelier privado de Dion.

“La ropa me sigue; yo no sigo a la ropa”, ha dicho Dion.

Otras fotografías de la serie muestran a Dion más vestida, un guiño a su amor por la moda.

"What is making the people who are interested in fashion now interested in me when I have always been interested in fashion?" So asks Celine Dion en route to the Christian Dior haute couture show, security guards in tow. She wears a tunic and mid calf skirt, tucked and belted and elevated by thigh high black boots. She has done her own makeup–as is her way–but her precise and dramatic eye contouring is obscured by the massive Dior gold shades selected by her stylist Law Roach (@luxurylaw). ("Why did you make me wear makeup if I was going to wear glasses like this?") Celine began working with Law a little over a year ago, after her husband Rene passed and she began the long road of living again with great loss of a partner ("an amazing man") but also the incredible blessing of "the quality of the time we spent together." More on that later. For now it is enough to know that while Law may have contributed to the answer to Celine's original question–why dion mania now?–the answer clearly lies with the lady herself. She keeps a master file divided into mini files of pages torn from magazines. She circles looks from collections special issues, turns down pages, and despairs when a look or accessory is not produced and the sample unbuyable. Celine Dion knows clothes. (She is also at a point in her life where she can enjoy them. Going to a fashion show "gives me a bit of freedom when my life has been work, discipline, hard hard work.") Today at @dior there was a little work (celebrity gridlock in and out, intense heat which is never ideal with leather) and a lot of fun. Celine admires Ruth Bell's gamine crop ("I really want a haircut like that"), the flatform boots ("the strength today!"), a wool coat dress for day with an open assymetric neckline ("like a calla lily"), the mousseline peering out from the long belted coats. After she said, "I forgot the jungle, the theme, I don't care. I am not buying the animals, the trees. But the clothes?" she smiles. "I am already broke." More on that later, and the significance of one legendary CD to another.... #CelineTakesCouture Photo by @sophfei.

A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on Jul 3, 2017 at 10:08am PDT

"They see me; I don't see them," is Celine Dion's line on the great blob of paparazzi and fans that follows her everywhere. She gives them any picture they ask for, plus a great many more. Consider an appointment with at the house of Schiaparelli, where she poses for the creative director Bertrand Guyon on a window sill overlooking the Place Vendome. She wears a tiny whimsical dress of Swarovski chainmail re-embroidered with yet more crystals and high sparkly Victorian boots–a little Twiggy, a little Tina Turner. Says her dancer Pepe Munoz: "That's a rockstar!" Says Libby Hahn, who handles public relations for the house: "I am fairly certain she was a rockstar before she put on the dress." Says Celine's own longtime photographer Denise Truscello (a Canadian cinephile with her own rockstar style), thinking of the long lenses poised on the place below: "Is the dress pulled down in the back?" Says Celine Dion: "They might see my butt, but I don't think they mind." #CelineTakesCouture Photographed by @denisetruscello

A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on Jul 4, 2017 at 5:35am PDT

Celine Dion is frustrated by fashion's current revolving door policy, the relentless firings and hirings at the top (amen to that!). She is concerned that "the dream" of elegance is disappearing, for as much fun as she had in her beloved Vetements Titanic sweatshirt (and we have Law Roach for that brilliant post-ironic gesture!), she believe in the magic of hats, gloves and total looks, of a world in which Lisa Fonssagrives could step from the pages of Vogue and through the doors of today's Ritz. Mostly she laments the red carpet hordes with the incessant questions about whose clothes and jewels one is wearing. "Mine" is her answer. Fashion is public for Celine; jewelry is personal. Sometimes, when she is at home in Las Vegas and missing her partner Rene, she slips on a caftan and all her jewels, and quietly retreats to her bath, sans children, sans fans, sans circus. #CelineTakesCouture Photo by @sophfei.

A post shared by Vogue (@voguemagazine) on Jul 4, 2017 at 7:38am PDT

El estilista de Dion, Law Roach, le dijo la revista People que trabajar con la cantante ha sido gratificante.

“Creo que ella realmente disfruta la moda y salir y ser vista y que la fotografíen”, dijo.

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